St. Philip Neri loves animals, too!
Like St. Francis, we at St. Philip Neri Church love animals. Especially Becky! Becky has inspired several animal-related ministries. As we collect food for the food bank, we also collect pet food, pet supplies, and cash donations for First Coast No More Homeless Pets, Animal Care & Protective Services, and other animal organizations. Would you like to adopt a new family member or foster a pet? If so, contact Becky; she can help you find a new family member or provide details on becoming a foster parent.
The mission of the Animal Ministry of St. Philip Neri Ecumenical Church is to support programs that benefit shelter animals and to provide resources, support, comfort, pastoral care and love to all God’s creatures and the individuals that love and care for them.
St. Philip Neri Animal Ministry is a non-profit outreach of St. Philip Neri Ecumenical Church, a non-denominational church that welcomes pets and humans of all faiths. The Animal Ministry was formed in 2011 to reflect the church’s love of all God’s creation. The ministry started as a way to provide comfort and pastoral support to pet owners that were struggling with the death or end of life decisions for their beloved pets. Eventually the Ministry’s mission grew to include providing food, resources, and support to “God’s creatures and the individuals that love and care for them.”
In 2015, to satisfy the Animal Ministry’s mission to support programs that benefit shelter animals, the Animal Ministry began sponsoring shelter dogs for the Pit Sisters TAILS (Teaching Animals & Inmates Life Skills) Program. To date, the Animal Ministry has sponsored 14 dogs at four correctional facilities.
Today, the Ministry’s mission has further expanded to support programs that benefit shelter animals while still continuing to provide support to pets and their parents. Since its creation, the Animal Ministry has provided assistance to over 65 animals through various rescue organizations, individuals and families.
St. Philip Neri Animal Ministry is a Best Friends Animal Society Network Partner, recognized for our work to help save animals in our community and end the killing of animals in our shelters by 2025.
Funds to support the St. Philip Neri Animal Ministry come completely from donations outside the Church and from annual fundraisers. Our largest fundraiser is our annual Family Pet Fair & Blessing of the Pets held each year in the month of November at Fletcher Park in San Marco.
St. Philip Neri Church was established in 2001 and is located at 9050 Cypress Green Drive. Pets and People of all faiths are always welcome, as are shorts and flip flops.
“You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us.” Robert Louis Stevenson
God Bless our pets!

Dog Day Afternoon Blessing of the Animals at the Arboretum 2009 – Fr. John blessing one of the JSO K-9 officers
Speaking of animals, on the Sunday nearest October 4, St. Philip Neri Church celebrates the Feast Day of St. Francis. When St. Philip Neri celebrates this Feast Day, be sure to bring your pets to be Blessed! If you cannot transport your elephant, a picture of the elephant will do!
“I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.”
~ Genesis 9:15 ~
For more information on the Ministry, contact us at: stphilipnerianimalministry@gmail.com.