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Next Scheduled Food and Welcome Sunday – March 30
Bring your favorite dish or just bring your appetite! There is always more than plenty of scrumptious eats!
Speaking of friends, Food Sunday is also designated as “Welcome Sunday.” It’s the perfect Sunday to bring a friend to Church. If you do, Bishop John will spend a little more time during the Liturgy to explain the rituals, symbols and meanings of the Liturgy. After the liturgy, they’ll get to share in a wonderful meal with great friends.
Food Sunday is also the day you’re encouraged to bring in your food bank donations as well as your Animal Ministry donations (we accept blankets, toys, cat litter, leashes, bowls, towels, and pet food – First Coast No More Homeless Pets provides pet food to needy families that would not otherwise be able to afford to feed their pets). The labeled collection boxes are located in the gathering room. Thank you all for your continued generosity!